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Category Archives: Small Business Planning

Blue Ribbon Panel Looks Into Separate GAAP For Private Companies

Until recently, U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) have long been considered universally acceptable for both publicly and privately held companies. However, there have been growing concerns about the specific needs of privately held companies which must report to a narrower range of financial statement users, such as lenders, venture capitalists, and insurers.

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New Health Care Law Calls For Expanding Form 1099

Hidden within the 2,409-page document known as the Health Care Reform Law, is a provision intended to close the “tax gap,” the estimated $300 billion difference between tax revenue that is collected by the government and that which is not, presumably because of unreported business income.

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Two New Tax Breaks in the HIRE Act

On March 18, 2010, President Obama signed the new Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE) into law. This federal legislation creates brand new tax breaks for hiring and retaining unemployed workers Here’s a quick rundown on two of these key tax breaks:

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Record Retention Guidelines

Periodically we receive inquiries regarding how long you should keep old records. In general, record retention periods are the same for electronic records and their hard copy counterparts.

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