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Category Archives: Fasb Statements

Leases – Will We Ever See A Standard?

I know, here we go again talking about putting leases on the balance sheet.  The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been talking about changes to the current standard since 2006. We keep hearing “when, not if” in regards to changes to lease accounting.  The delay seems to stem from differences in opinion between FASB...

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Changes in Presenting Comprehensive Income

On June 16, 2011, the FASB issued ASU 2011-05, eliminating one of the three existing presentation options for other comprehensive income and requiring reclassification adjustments to be reported on the face of the financial statements rather than in the notes as currently permitted. For non-public entities, this amendment is effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2012 and is to be applied retrospectively. If no items of other comprehensive income are present in any of the years presented in the financial statements, this standard does not apply.

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Mergers – No More Pooling

As most of you know, the pooling of interests method simply combined the accounts of each merging company at book value, with no adjustments to reflect market value differences. In addition, retained savings of both companies were also combined.

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