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Category Archives: Cooperatives

Cooperatives – What we have seen

Just when we thought we had seen it all with the grain price volatility last year! We see a year of extreme price volatility in the fertilizer prices. What a time for the prices to go nuts; many of you had made significant investments in building facilities to allow you to take delivery and inventory many more tons! Who would have thought we would see certain fertilizers sell for over $1,000 and then drop to a couple hundred dollars just a few months later.

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Red Flags Rule

Enforcement of the rule has been extended to November 1, 2009 to give additional time for developing and implementing written identity theft prevention programs. There are no criminal penalties for failure to comply, however violators may be subject to financial penalties. In addition, compliance assures the entity’s customers that they are doing their part to fight identity theft.

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New Iowa Ethanol Promotion Credit

Form IA 137 is used to compute the ethanol promotion tax credit. This form and credit are quite confusing, but beginning January 1, 2009 an ethanol promotion tax credit is available to taxpayers who: are retail dealers of ethanol blended gasoline, and who operate motor fuel pumps at an Iowa retail motor fuel site. Note that for this credit, a tank wagon is considered a fuel site.

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Shark Repellents and Poison Pills

The topic of how much retained earnings is appropriate keeps surfacing as well. One of the concerns that comes up is how the proceeds of a sale of the company would be distributed if the company were to sell. And, with the retained earnings being significant relative to the equity in the names of the members, the concern turns to how vulnerable the cooperative is to an offer that could be perceived as attractive to the members but would end up being a discounted sale of the coop– one heck of a bargain for a buyer.

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National Coops Look To Take Advantage of Section 199

With their letter dated August 19, 2009, AGP announced their intent to take advantage of the enhanced section 199 deduction effective with their current fiscal year ended August 31, 2009. They will now be computing their section 199 deduction in accordance with the prescribed manner that Gardiner Thomsen brought to you last year.

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Another Opportunity To Save BIG!

So, what is the benefit? This could allow your cooperative to pass the section 199 deduction through to your members, which enhances their cooperative patronage. This could allow the cooperative to reduce its qualified patronage allocation, which allows the cooperative to retain equity, thereby strengthening the balance sheet. And there is no question that it would generate a Federal Net Operating Loss which can be carried over for 20 years (under current law) which would provide for virtually unlimited income tax planning to minimize your Federal (and in some cases State) income tax. In laymen’s terms, it would generate additional working capital for the cooperative– potentially an increase in working capital of millions of dollars.

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