NCFC 94Th Annual Meeting – Orlando, FL
Dennis Gardiner, Gardiner + Company, CPAs Managing Partner
Partners Mark Gardiner, Greg Cargin and myself attended the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives Annual Meeting / Legal, Tax and Accounting Conference last week in Orlando. We learned about key issues facing co-ops and their members. USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack was the keynote speaker to kick-off the meeting. Topics included:
- antitrust enforcement in Ag – focusing on Capper Volstead protection,
- various tax and accounting topics relevant to co-ops,
- solutions for labor shortages,
- supply chain challenges & solutions,
- solutions for paying retired member equities,
- drought implications – focusing on the Colorado River System
- Washington Legislative & Regulatory Update – 2023 Farm Bill Framework
Networking at breakfasts, lunch, breaks and receptions is always one of the best benefits of attending this event. The NCFC Annual Meeting is one of the few co-op industry-specific events you can attend; CEOs, CFOs, board members, lenders, insurance companies, academia, legal counsel, accountants, and other industry insiders all attend. Gardiner + Company has had partners attend the NCFC Annual Meeting for several years; and we have gained valuable insight and connections to ensure we continue to provide our clients with timely, relevant and value-added service.